Who we are
The AMP EC is responsible for the overall AMP program and oversees the steering committees of each AMP disease-specific project. This governance structure allows the program to remain abreast of the ever-evolving science. The AMP EC is responsible for approving new AMP projects and reviewing the progress and milestone achievement of ongoing projects and enables feedback and cross-learning between projects across therapeutic areas. AMP EC meetings are usually held in a closed forum with additional experts invited to participate according to the needs of the EC.
The EC includes leaders from NIH, FDA, and Private Industry/ Non-Profit/Patient Advocacy Co-Chairs from AMP project Steering Committees. The EC convenes quarterly with EC liaison representatives, Office of the Director (OD) liaison representatives, and co-chairs from each of the AMP Project Steering Committees represented on the EC. The AMP PD steering committee EC Liaison is Dr. Walter Koroshetz, Director of NINDS. The AMP PD steering committee OD Liaison is Ellen Gadbois, Lead, Emerging Biotechnology Policy, Office of Science Policy, Office of the Director, National Institutes of Health. The Co-Chairs of AMP PD Steering Committee are Dr. Debra Babcock, Director, Division of Neuroscience Systems and Cognitive Neuroscience Cluster, NINDS and Private Partner Co-Chair Dr. Pablo Sardi (Sanofi).
The AMP EEC meets twice a year and includes the EC members as well as additional private partner representatives from AMP Project Steering Committees (or a proxy representative) to participate in discussions of the latest scientific advancements and the progress of ongoing AMP projects and encourages broad interaction and exchange of ideas among the AMP community.
The AMP PD Steering Committee (SC) will operate under the direction of the AMP Executive Committee (EC) and is responsible for defining and maintaining the research plan for the AMP PD Project, for review of progress of the AMP PD Project, and for the detailed assessment of milestones. The AMP PD Steering Committee provides strong but flexible joint management of the initiative over the five-year implementation of the Research Plan. It allows the partners a mechanism to closely follow the science and the changes in the field for the duration of the partnership, in order to ensure effective results and timely use of resources and assess its progress.
The AMP PD SC is organized by FNIH and is comprised of representatives from the private sector organizations that fund the partnership as well as members from government (NINDS, NIA and FDA). FNIH serves as the non-voting Executive Secretary of the SC and will facilitate the development of meeting agendas and materials under the guidance of the SC Co-Chairs in consultation with the NINDS program officials.
The AMP PD SC is co-chaired by one representative from the NINDS and one member from the AMP PD private sector partners nominated by the SC. The SC may elect to include additional key outside (but non-voting) experts to provide appropriate domain expertise relevant to the research topics.
The AMP PD SCS has representatives from all AMP PD government partners (NIA, NINDS, FDA), industry partners (AbbVie, Celgene subsidiary of Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Sanofi, and Verily) and the non-profit partners (Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) Initiative and The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research).
AMP PD Steering Committee, as of October 2022
AMP PD Working Groups and Subgroups are created under the direction of the AMP PD Steering Committee to provide detailed technical guidance for key scientific, policy or informatics issues that arise during implementation of the Research Plan. These Working Subgroups are created and sunsetted based on need, and will operate under one main working group umbrella, the AMP PD Data Working Group or AMP PD Data Analyses Working Group. Like the Steering Committee, the Working Groups and Subgroups will be supported and staffed by an FNIH Program or Project Manager.
At initiation of the working group and subgroups, representatives elected will be invited to a kickoff meeting where the goals of AMP PD and of the specific group are described and discussed. Working group members are invited to nominate those within the working group to public and private co-chair positions.
Working group members are also asked to consider if the relevant expertise is available in the group and if outside expertise is required to drive forward a considered approach. If outside expertise is required, the AMP PD SC is informed of the recommendation. Outside experts are required to share any conflicts of interest with the working group, are recused from final decision making, and may be recused from discussions where they may have conflicts.
The Working Groups and Subgroups focus on specific building blocks required to develop the AMP PD Knowledge Portal with emphasis on data, outreach, policy, and infrastructure.
Of note, the Principal Investigators (PIs) of cohorts contributing data are also invited to have a representative attend working groups relevant to their data contributions.