Education Level
Education Level Years - Variable Definition Table:
Field Name |
Description |
Field Values |
education_level_years | participant education level years | 12-16 years Greater than 16 years Less than 12 years Null Unknown 0 years |
Tables that Reference this Variable:
- Demographics
Data Type Information:
Field Name |
Type |
Mode |
education_level_years | String | NULLABLE |
Curation Notations:
Education level in PPMI and BioFIND is a numeric variable (i.e., number of years of education). In PDBP and HBS, the variable is categorical (i.e., highest grade or level of school completed, or highest degree received.). The variable was harmonized between studies by using the number of years converted into four categorical values “0 years”, “Less than 12 years”, “12-16 years”, “Greater than 16 years”. Education level was aligned to number of years based on the average completion time for types of different degree levels available.
Query Definition
Clinical Data Forms Queried (available as a BigQuery Table and csv File)
Demographics.education_level_years is not null AND Demographics.education_level_years != 'Unknown'
Clinical Data Forms Queried (available as a BigQuery Table and csv File)
education_level_years is not null
education_level_years != 'Unknown'
SELECT left(participant_id, 2) Cohort, count(distinct participant_id) Count from `amp-pd-research.2021_v2_5release_0510.Demographics` WHERE education_level_years is not null AND education_level_years != 'Unknown' GROUP BY Cohort ORDER BY Cohort