Participant ID - Variable Definition Table:
Field Name |
Description |
Values |
Participant ID |
AMP PD participant identifier. The form of this identifier is a two letter code indicating the originating study, followed by a dash and then the originating study's participant identifier. |
BF: BioFind HB: Harvard Biomarker Study PP: PPMI PD: PDBP |
Tables that Reference this Variable:
- Demographics
- Enrollment
- Epworth Sleepiness Scale
- Family History
- MoCA
- Modified Schwab England ADL
- Participants
- PD Medical History
- PDQ-39
- REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Questionnaire_Mayo
- REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Questionnaire_Stiansy-Kolster
Data Type Information:
Field Name |
Type |
Mode |
participant_id |
String |
Required |
Curation Notations:
- Subject ID in harmonized AMP PD dataset was named participant_id.
- “PATNO” was used as a participant_id in PPMI and BioFIND starting with “prefixes” PP- and BF- respectively (e.g., PP-3400, BF-1006, etc.).
- “GUID” was used as a participant_id in PDBP and HBS because there is no other subject ID starting with prefixes PD- and HB- respectively (e.g., PD-PDFK955YBE, HB-PD_INVKT000XM6, etc.).
Query Definition
Clinical Data Forms Queried (available as a BigQuery Table and csv File)
Demographics.participant_id is not null
Clinical Data Forms Queried (available as a BigQuery Table and csv File)
participant_id is not null
SELECT left(participant_id, 2) Cohort, count(distinct participant_id) Count from `amp-pd-research.2021_v2_5release_0510.Demographics` WHERE participant_id is not null GROUP BY Cohort ORDER BY Cohort